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Small Sculpture: Page 1 of 5

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Edgy Birdy Small Sculpture
3.5 feet tall (head piece is a lawn edger), patrician demeanor, check out the bow-tie.
Jumping for Joy Small Sculpture
One foot tall, made of springs, one foot is loose so she shivers with joy.
Steppin Out Bird Small Sculpture
Elegant 3 foot tall bird with an antique eel spear headdress
S Small Sculpture
New Dad meeting his new baby. 6 inches high
Silver Ballerina Pair on Pointe Small Sculpture
Standing 15 inches high, will rust if outdoors, delicate, with graceful caliper arms.
Singing in the Shower Small Sculpture
While scratching his back, having a jolly old time
Spoon Tail Bird Small Sculpture
Crab Louis Small Sculpture
With a calf waterer body and a mean set of pincers this guy ain't ending up in your salad.
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