Fine Garden Art - The Art.

Containers: Page 1 of 2

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Boiler Planter Containers
This is the bottom of a very large air compressor, making for a truly massive planter.
Heater Planter Planted Containers
This is a hot water heater cut in half to form a unique planter.
Heater Planter Planted Containers
…and this is what it can look like planted.
Blue Speaker Planters Containers
Made from old loudspeakers with interesting stands, these make great planters for bold annuals.
Horn Planters Containers
Magnavox and other old record playing horns form elegant planters. Imagine these filled with the elephant ears.
Dog Collar Basin Containers
Made from an old tractor wheel and a huge iron round-bottomed tub. We grow water lilies in them.
Ceramic Pot Containers
This is made of an unusual material, which I believe we used for molten hot material. It makes for the interesting planter.
Square Speaker Planters Containers
Made from very old speaker cones. Would look dramatic with a plant like Elephant Ears in it.
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