Fine Garden Art - The People


Jill Nooney

Jill portrait
keeps herself amused with her many interests, including a practice as a clinical social worker, a second business of Fine Garden Art (which she founded and co-runs), designing and fabricating sculpture, gardening (a very knowledgeable plants person, she designed and planted Bedrock Gardens), wifery, mothering, and, most recently, the cello. Jill has written articles, has been featured in numerous magazines, lectures on garden art, and has designed award-winning displays at the New England Flower Show. She lives with her husband in Lee, NH.

by Bob Munger

Bob Munger

Bob in Capcomes from a talented family. His father, a family practitioner, was a master plants man, as well as a sculptor and an author, and his sister is an internationally known photographer. Being a retired doctor himself, he has always loved tinkering with things and figuring out the way things work: the human body, mechanical and electrical stuff, and most recently, the computer. He can fix and build about anything. He has sewn up my fingers twice (garden clipper injuries), made beautifully patterned walkways and patios, invented and plumbed water features, and most recently created this web site.

by Jill Nooney